GUO Shuai
Associate Professor

  • 318


Ph. D, TsinghuaUniversity, 2011

B. S.,   TsinghuaUniversity, 2006

Research Interests

Mirror Symmetry and related topics .  (MathSciNet)

1. Computations of Gromov-Witten type invariants

2. Relations between certain Cohomological Field theries and integrable hierarchies

3. Quantum geometry , Fermions on Riemann surfaces

4. Application of Givental’s Formalism

Selected Publications

  • Virasoro constraints and polynomial recursion for the linear Hodge integrals, Lett Math Phys, Vol. 107 No. 4,(2017), with Gehao Wang.
  • Gopakumar-Vafa BPS invariants, Hilbert schemes and quasimodular forms. I, Adv. Math. 268, 1–61,(2015) ; II, preprint, with Jian Zhou.
  • Orbifold elliptic genera of quotients of complete intersections in weighted projective spaces, Int. J. Math. No. 2, 157-181,(2013) , with Jian Zhou.
  • Elliptic genera of complete intersections in weighted projective spaces, Int. J. Math. 22, No. 5, 695-712 (2011) , with Jian Zhou.