AN Jinpeng

  • 1480S


Ph. D, Peking University, 2006
B. S., Peking University, 2000

Research Interests

Lie Theory; Dynamics of Group Actions. (MathSciNet)

Selected Publications

Jinpeng An. 2-dimensional badly approximable vectors and Schmidt's game", Duke Math. J. 165 (2016), no. 2, 267-284.
Jinpeng An, Lifan Guan, Dmitry Kleinbock. Bounded orbits of diagonalizable flows on SL3(R)/SL3(Z), Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2015 (2015), no. 24, 13623-13652.
Jinpeng An. Badziahin-Pollington-Velani's theorem and Schmidt's game, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 45 (2013), no. 4, 721-733.
Jinpeng An, Jiu-Kang Yu, Jun Yu. On the dimension datum of a subgroup and its application to isospectral manifolds, J. Differential Geom. 94 (2013), no. 1, 59-85.
Jinpeng An. Rigid geometric structures, isometric actions, and algebraic quotients, Geom. Dedicata 157 (2012), no. 1, 153-185.