Fast solvers for simulations in antennae and microfluidics

摘要:The solving time for the algebraic systems usually dominates in the total computing time of most simulations, modeled by mathematical physics equations. In this talk, I will introduce some strategies to speed up two specific simulations with applications in antennae and microfluidics. In microfluidics, one needs to solve the multi-physics problems, e.g., fluid-structure interaction. We split the physical fields using projection-type discretization and then solve each physical field by using the Poisson-type solvers. In antennae, one needs to solve the frequency-domain equations that are non-hermitian and highly indefinite. We introduce an efficient solver by combining the shifted-Laplacian preconditioners and Schwarz methods with local wave-type solvers. Novel convergence theory of the iterative methods for indefinite and non-symmetric equations will be discussed.
报告人简介:Shihua Gong obtained his bachelor’s degree from Sun Yat-sen University in 2013 and PhD degree in computational mathematics from Peking University in 2018. Before joining the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), He worked as a postdoctoral scholar at Pennsylvania State University (2018-2019) and then as a research associate at the University of Bath (2019-2021).
His research interests include scientific computing and numerical analysis, mainly focusing on finite element, domain decomposition methods, and preconditioning techniques for frequency-domain wave equations and multiphysics problems.