Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss whether Arrow’s theorem of the deductible can be extended to the case
of belief heterogeneity, which allows the insured and the insurer to have different beliefs in the loss
distribution. To exclude ex post moral hazard, both parties are asked to pay more for a larger realization of
the insurable loss. A necessary and sufficient condition on the belief heterogeneity is obtained for the
optimality of stop-loss insurance. If this condition is not satisfied, the optimal insurance solution is shown to satisfy an equation. Via this equation, we can analyze the optimality of some interesting insurance types.
Bio: 池义春,中央财经大学中国精算研究院研究员。现主要从事精算学与风险管理中的风险理论、最优保险/再保险设计
名的精算学杂志ASTIN Bulletin、Insurance: Mathematics and Economics、North American Actuarial Journal和Scandinavian
Actuarial Journal上发表了二十多篇学术论文。2012年荣获北美产险精算学会Charles A. Hachemeister奖,2015年破格晋升为研究员。