Name Affiliation Terms of Visiting
GUO Ning The Euler International Mathematical Institute 2023.06.21-2023.07.16
GUI Guilong Xiangtan University 2023.07.16-2023.09.04
GU Ruihao Fudan University 2023.07.09-2023.07.20
GAO Yue Anhui Normal University 2023.06.07-2023.06.09
FENG Ziqiang Southern University of Science and Technology 2023.04.12-2023.04.21
FANG Fang Zhejiang Sci-tech University 2023.10.22-2023.11.15
DUAN Xiaojuan Xiamen University Of Technology 2023.06.16-2023.08.28
DU Yucong Southern University of Science and Technology 2023.04.10-2023.04.23
ZHAI Xiaoping Guangdong University Of Technology 2023.07.15-2023.08.31
DENG Jie Beijing Normal University 2023.09.01-2024.08.31
CHENG Jiahao Nanchang Hangkong University 2023.08.14-2023.08.24
CHEN Xuwen University of Rochester 2023.02.01-2023.08.31
CHEN Xinyun The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shenzhen 2023.05.21-2023.05.27
CHEN Jiajie Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences 2023.06.26-2023.07.02
CAI Wei Southern Methodist University 2023.06.03-2023.06.12
BI Jiahao Hunan University 2023.08.28-2024.08.28
AN Xinliang National University of Singapore 2023.07.09-2023.07.22
ZHEGLOV Alexander Lomonosov Moscow State University 2023.08.14-2023.12.01
XU Xiangsheng Mississippi State University 2023.08.24-2023.12.31
TUZHILIN Mikhail Lomonosov Moscow State University 2023.09.03-2023.12.31
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